book online outdoor adventure activities in snowdonia north wales

Gorge Scrambling

Gorge scrambling (or Ghyll Scrambling as it's commonly referred to in the Lake Distrcit) is canyoning's little brother! It's a great activity thats geared towards families with young children; it's not technical, there's no ropes involved and all the features are easily avoidable. The gorge we use is truly spectaular; it's like exploring Jurassic Park! We climb the cascading river playing on slides, jumps and in pools along the way. This trip is suitable for 4 - 10 years olds (families with children aged 10 and above should consider canyoning instead).

After getting kitted out with wetsuits, bouyancy aids and helmets there's a short walk through ancient oak woodland down into the deep river valley. This valley is incredibly beautiful and it's a protected nature reserve. We arrive at an old fallen stone bridge that once spanned the gorge and we get in to the pool for a play around before we start scrambling up the river bed, working our way up the gorge. During the trip we swim through lovely pools, slide down natural water slides, climb through waterfalls and jump in off the rocks.