book online outdoor adventure activities in snowdonia north wales

Rock Climbing

Snowdonia is one of the best places in the world to rock climb; North Wales offers some of the most magnificent, celebrated and exciting rock climbing routes in the world. There is literally 'something for everyone' here! The cliffs of Snowdonia are steeped in climbing history and this area was the alpine training ground for the early Everest pioneers.

We use proabbly the best crag in North Wales! We start out with an introduction to the safety gear and then we go bouldering. Bouldering is a style of climbing undertaken without ropes on very short climbs; it's really good fun and helps you develop good rock climbing technique. Once we've been bouldering it's time to move on to the real thing; climbing 80 foot faces of solid rock! The crags we use have a variety of routes at various difficulties and there is something for everyone. We get roped up and everyone gets a chance to climb a few different routes.

Rock climbing is suitable for children from the age of 4. You don't need any experience but if you have some, we can help you delevop your skills so you can become confident in the use of safety equipment and techniques so that you can go and climb on your own. Our climbing courses are extremely practical and informal and we go at your speed; realise your climbing potential, we will not hold you back!