book online outdoor adventure activities in snowdonia north wales
mountain biking in coed y brenin with snowdonia adventure activities

Mountain Biking

Off-road mountain biking is great fun and there is no better place to do it than here in the heart of the Snowdonia National Park. With a handful of world-class mountain bike trail centers on our doorstep we can guide you along some of the best mountain bike trails in the UK.

family rides and steep single track at the coed y brenin mountain bike center with snowdonia adventure activities

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced mountain bike rider we can ride the trails that suit your ability. From gentle family trails along the river to white-knuckle single track we can guarantee you'll have a fun and exciting day riding with us. We organise, hire and transport the mountain bikes to activity location for you but if you would rather ride your own bike you are welcome to bring it.